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The Roseto Opera Prima Film Festival

Events 10 Jul 2015

The “Roseto Opera Prima” Film Festival aimed at films of new directors , is now in its twentieth edition . To frame the 7 evenings of the event , which will take place July 12 to 18 2015, will be the square of the Republic of Roseto degli Abruzzi . Opening the event , Sunday, July 12 at 7:00 p.m. , there will be the beautiful Anna Falchi accompanied by two well-known faces of the Italian cinema : the actor Luca Argentero and the actor and director Edoardo Leo . The festival itself, with the screening of the first film, will start at 9.00 p.m .


The works, selected by the organizing committee from all the debut feature Italian films  products and / or come out  in Italy between Autumn 2014 and Spring 2015, will be screened during the event and will compete at the Golden Rose 2015 for best film debut of the year .


On the website the plots and the trailers of the films in competition  will be shown, and express their preferences through a counter.

Free Participation to all events.




Sunday July 12th
Roseto – Piazza della Repubblica ( Republic Square)
h. 7.00 p.m.

Opening “Roseto Opera Prima” Festival 20th Edition
Evening Guests Anna Falchi (godmother) – Edoardo Leo (guest of honour) – Luca Argentero (guest of honour) – Alessia Scarso ( ‘Italo’ director );
Introduction of 6 short-art film directors;

Screening of the 1st short film “Senza fretta” , by Ivan D’Antonio;

h.9.00 p.m.

Screening of the 1st film in contest “Italo’” by Alessia Scarso.

Monday July 13th

Roseto – Piazza della Repubblica (Republic Square)

h 9.00 p.m.

Screening of the 2nd film in competition “La prima volta di mia figlia” by Richard Rossi;

Screening of the 2nd short film  ‘Con la cultura non si mangia”  by Andrea Vinegar;

Guests of the evening Riccardo Rossi (director and star of ‘La prima volta di mia figlia’) – Stefano Fresi (actor from ‘La prima volta di mia figlia’).

Tuesday, July 14

Roseto –  Piazza della Repubblica(Republic Square)

h.9.00 p.m.

Screening of the 3rd film in competition “Leoni” by Pietro Parolin;

Screening of the 3rd short ‘Come fosse per sempre’, by  Maurizio Fork;

Guests of the evening Pietro Parolin (director of ‘Leoni’) – Anna Dalton (actress from  ‘Leoni’) – Pierpaolo Spollon (actor from ‘Leoni’).

Wednesday 15

Roseto – Piazza della Repubblica (Republic Square)

h.9.00 p.m.

Screening of the 4th film in competition “Cloro” by Lamberto Sanfelice;

Screening of the 4th Short ‘Lily’s Pub’ by Charles Pettinella;

Guests of the evening Andrea Vergoni (actor from ‘Cloro’) – Sara Serraiocco (actress from ‘Cloro’).

Thursday, July 16

Roseto – Piazza della Repubblica (Republic Square)

h. 9.00 p.m.

Screening of the 5th film in competition “Se Dio vuole”  by Edoardo Falcone;

Screening of the 5th short ‘Vito, storia di un ipovedente”’ by Albino Pietro Di Pasquale;

Guests of the evening Edoardo Falcone (director of “Se Dio vuole ‘) – Marco Martani (writer of’ Se Dio vuole”).

Friday, July 17

Roseto –  Piazza della Repubblica (Republic Square)

h.9.00 p.m.

Screening of the 6th film in competition “Nomi e cognomi” by  Sebastiano Rizzo

Screening of the 6th short ‘Senza aggiunta di conservanti” by’ Maria Tilli;

Guests of the evening Mingo De Pasquale (actor  from ‘Nomi e cognomi’) – Corrado Azzollini (Producer of ‘Nomi e cognomi’).


Saturday, July 18

Roseto – piazza della Repubblica (Republic Square)

h.9.00 p.m.

Screening of the 7th film in competition “Senza nessuna pietà” by Michele Alhaique

Anticipation of the documentary film ‘Roseto e le sue storie’ by  William Di Marco;

Guests of the evening Greta Scarano (actress from ‘Senza nessuna pietà’) – Michele Alhaique (director of ‘Senza nessuna pietà’);

Following  the announcement of the winning film, the award of the Golden Rose  2015 and the official closing of the festival.

EURCAMPING S.R.L. Unipersonale – Società soggetta ad attività di direzione e coordinamento da parte CDS HOLDING S.P.A.​ • P.iva P.iva 00102670676 – REA FO -439866 – Cap.Sociale € 129.200 i.v.